I Miss You Already

This week has been absolutely amazing. Last Sunday, I packed my bags and took off to Chicago to visit my boyfriend. We spent our days together going on tandem bike rides, on trains, on walks around town (he lives in a suburb north of the city). We visited the Chicago Botanical Gardens, went to Ravinia for an outdoor CSU (Chicago Symphony Orchestra) concert, sprawled ourselves out on the sand alongside Lake Michigan, got together with his old high school friends, spent an afternoon in downtown Chicago. I stayed at his house, so it was fantastic getting to know his family and spending time with them, chatting over dinner or board games. All-in-all it was a phenomenal trip, and now that I am back home, I am left with the happy memories of our week together in Chicago. I miss him already, and it’s only been a few hours since I said goodbye. I can’t bloody wait until August.

~ by thechanster on 4:48 pm, Sunday, July 12, 2009.

2 Responses to “I Miss You Already”

  1. This post made me smile =] How cute

  2. Great site, I now have you bookmarked to come back again.

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